Hair loss is a widespread problem that affects many people and stems from genetic and environmental factors. People who experience hair loss often face emotional issues such as self-pity and depression.
While some people find solutions, the desire to regrow hair remains strong.
During a recent consultation at Svenson’s Quezon City clinic, trichologist Shai Ayaay emphasized that hair growth doesn’t happen overnight.
“Addressing your hair and scalp problems requires proactive treatment,” she says. “Seeking expert advice is a vital first step in your hair growth journey. This will ensure you receive customized guidance to effectively address your concerns.”
Unexpected hair loss can be especially daunting as premature hair loss in your 20s, stress-related thinning hair, genetic conditions, etc. Facing these challenges alone can be overwhelming.
Recognizing that lush hair is more than just a physical feature, Svenson experts emphasize that each strand of hair tells a story of living passionately and living life to the full.
Svenson has expanded its range of proven treatments with the introduction of NexoHair Exosome Therapy to aid individuals in their hair growth efforts.
NexoHair is a groundbreaking hair loss treatment that utilizes exosomes, a promising advancement in hair regeneration. This innovative solution aims to deliver faster results, increase hair density, and expand coverage for Filipinos suffering from hair loss.
Exosomes, naturally produced by cells, play a key role in cell-to-cell communication and regeneration. PrimaCure CEO Mike Lee said: “Exosomes are small vesicles that contain growth factors, genetic material and lipids. Exosomes protect these important components and facilitate their delivery to cells, resulting in faster and more standardized results compared to traditional methods.”
Primacure CEO Mike Lee (left) talks about the importance of exosomes in cell-to-cell communication and regeneration.
NexoHair utilizes marine-derived E50-H exosomes and is specifically designed to promote hair growth by reactivating dormant hair follicles and encouraging the formation of new ones. Lee noted that the treatment stimulates hair stem cells to generate new hair follicles, which can produce greater results in a shorter period of time.
Because the treatment is done with microneedling, it’s virtually painless and requires no downtime. It’s also minimally painful: “No blood draw required,” Lee adds. “You’ll feel a sensation similar to having your scalp tapped lightly with a fingernail.”
NexoHair treatments are performed using microneedling
After exosome application, NexoHair enhances the treatment with TargetCool, which allows the exosomes to penetrate deeper into the scalp, reducing inflammation and improving oxygenation to the tissue.
The treatment also includes TargetCool, which uses cold temperature and pressure to help the exosomes penetrate further into the scalp.
“This method uses low temperature and pressure to force the product into the microchannels created by microneedling, maximizing the delivery of exosomes,” Lee explains.
For those who are hesitant to undergo surgical treatment, NexoHair offers an effective alternative that provides results comparable to hair transplantation.
“Hair transplant surgery may produce faster results, especially in older patients, but exosome therapy may produce similar results within three to four months,” Lee asserts.
Dr. Yongseob Lee (centre) and Dr. Mike Lee (right) with Svenson trichologist Shai Ayaay (left)
Sold exclusively at Svenson, NexoHair complements the clinic’s established hair and scalp restoration programs, providing cutting-edge solutions for those seeking hair restoration. Svenson continues to be recognized as the leading provider of hair loss treatment in the Philippines. (Image courtesy of Paui Guevarra)